Traditional Syrian Ceremony

The customs of Syrian weddings are ones of love and family. Throughout the years of conflict, syrians have kept up their joyful cultures and even had to endure sufferings while traveling to see their loved ones ‘ bridal ceremonies.

Her mother-in-law creates a test out of flour to assess the caliber of her cooking abilities and how well she will be able to provide for the family as the bride prepares for her huge day. This custom exemplifies the significance of a woman’s love for her husband and the success of their union.

In Syria, the groom is responsible for organizing and scheduling the bridal celebrations. He furthermore covers the couple’s expenses, including her whole wardrobe and goth program. The man likely frequently also give for the bride’s dowry, which can range from one to two million Syrian kilos( relative to between 150 and 300 Us dollars ).

People of the Arada group begin playing their old-fashioned music when the ceremony is scheduled to begin. Up to 65 people can make up this group, and they are typically richly dressed in white. The wedding, her brother, or a colleague therefore enters the marriage hall, followed by the groom.

Assyrian music meet syrian women is played while the visitors and their families sip on appetizers. Finally begins the yalajka waltz. The yalajka are a much line of individuals who raise their hands and dance to the music’s beat. Next, amid applause, the bride and groom walk into the house.

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عن الشبكة العقارية

الشبكة العقارية هى الشبكة العربية الاولى من نوعها فى الشرق الاوسط التى تعمل بنظام التسويق الالكترونى للعقارات بالعموله – او التسويق و البيع العقارى عن بُعد.

الشبكة العقارية تسمح للمسوقين و العملاء بتبادل المنفعه على حد سواء حيث ان مسوقين الشبكة العقارية يعملون بنظام الاستشارات العقارية المجانيه لعملاءنا بحيث يضمن العميل الحصول على العقار المنتناسب مع امكانياته الماديه و الاجتماعية بأفضل سعر و افضل مواصفات  و فى نفس الوقت فى حالة شراء العميل يحصل المسوق العقارى على كامل عمولته من الشبكة العقارية دون الحصول على اى مقابل من العميل .

كما تسمح الشبكة العقارية بجعل العميل مسوق عقارى دون اى ارتباطات عليه سواء وقت او حضور او تواجد بأى شكل .


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